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Sutter’s Mill Herb Sutter on software developmentHerb Sutter on software development
Welcome! | The Coq Proof AssistantThe Reference Manual and the Standard Library documentation are the primary documentation for Coq. However, to learn about Coq, we recommend starting with a tutorial or book, such as those listed on the document
reStructuredTextMarkup Syntax and Parser Component of Docutils
Java (programming language) - WikipediaAs of September 2024 update , Java 23 is the latest version (Java 22, and 20 are no longer maintained). Java 8, 11, 17, and 21 are previous LTS versions still officially supported.
KMC FlexStat | BACnet® Advanced Application ControllerThe award-winning KMC FlexStatTM is a BACnet® advanced application controller and room sensor in a single, attractive package.
Planet DebianI've just passed my 10th anniversary of starting at Red Hat! As a personal milestone, this is the longest I've stayed in a job: I managed 10 years at Newcastle University, although not in one continuous role.
3. Using Python on Windows Python 2.7.18 documentationThis document aims to give an overview of Windows-specific behaviour you should know about when using Python on Microsoft Windows.
Siri Sarah LLCProviding opportunity to learn and grow, regardless of your current knowledge or financial situation.
Python Performance Tuning: 20 Simple Tips - StackifyPython optimizes developer productivity, but many solutions aren t always optimized for python performance. Here are 20 tips to improve performance.
Pragmatic Bookshelf: By Developers, For DevelopersWe improve the lives of professional developers. We create timely, practical books on classic and cutting-edge topics to help you learn and practice your craft, and accelerate your career. Come learn with us.
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